About Avivo

Established in 2013.

We believe in working smarter, not harder.

At Avivo Elite Tutoring, we focus not only on academic success but nurturing and celebrating personal achievement as well.


Our vision is to create exceptional learning experiences. We do this by listening to our students and working with them to achieve individual outcomes.


We use innovative methods to understand each student’s learning style and goals. This allows tutors to engage students with techniques to either improve or strengthen core competencies or consolidate and extend developed technical skills.

We value

The use of mindfulness, study planning and effective time management are also encouraged for achieving peak learning performance.

We constantly

Our tutors keep up-to-date with changes to curriculum and current issues confronting young people, monitoring student and parent expectations so that we can continue to improve how we deliver our service.

We've run

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Tutoring Sessions for Primary & Secondary Students
Across Melbourne, Victoria

Follow us on socials

VCE ENGLISH: Crafting Texts ⭐️📝

Are a VCE English student working on Crafting Texts and feeling overwhelmed? Watch this video for a quick outline of the assessment. Feel free to leave any questions in the comments below🙌.

#avivoaustralia #melbournetutoring #vce #onsitetutoring #ib #primarytutoring #onsitetutoring #tutoring #ivanhoetutoring #onlinetutoring #vcetutoring #vceenglish #studytips

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Avivo offers personalised, one-on-one tutoring sessions, tailored to the needs of the student. Enrolments for 2025 are still open. Visit the link in our bio for more information. ⭐🙌

#victoriatutoring #highschool #ivanhoetutoring #onsitetutoring #melbournetutoring #primarytutoring #avivoaustralia #vce #highschooltutoring #FunFactFriday #vcetutoring #tutortips #IB #MondayMotivation #fridaytips #onlinetutoring #MeetTheTeam #InquireNow #StudyTips #MotivationMonday #tips #SACPrep #tutoring

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🎯Set study goals like a pro. 🎯

Great results start with great goals. Clear, achievable study targets make all the difference when it comes to staying focused and making progress. 🙌📕

#highschool #victoriatutoring #ivanhoetutoring #onsitetutoring #melbournetutoring #avivoaustralia #primarytutoring #vce #FunFactFriday #highschooltutoring #vcetutoring #tutortips #IB #MondayMotivation #fridaytips #onlinetutoring #MeetTheTeam #InquireNow #StudyTips #MotivationMonday #tips #SACPrep #tutoring

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A reminder that all sessions are online today. 💻

#highschool #victoriatutoring #ivanhoetutoring #onsitetutoring #melbournetutoring #primarytutoring #avivoaustralia #vce #highschooltutoring #FunFactFriday #vcetutoring #tutortips #IB #MondayMotivation #fridaytips #onlinetutoring #MeetTheTeam #InquireNow #StudyTips #MotivationMonday #tips #SACPrep #tutoring

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Tutoring All Ages, All Subjects

We work with each student to understand how they learn best and create a term-based, personalised tutoring programme specifically for them. Our tutors are hand picked and trained by Avivo Directors, meaning we only take on the very best. Get in touch with the Avivo Elite Tutoring team to begin your new learning journey.

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